Efficiently interview your customers - to a various set of questions arising from product, service or sales design processes? Co-create with lead users? Quickly assemble a focus group and recruit the right target customers? Invite real customers to beta-testings?
Proprietary consumer panels or consumer research communities are a strong indicator for the customer centricity maturity of a company. With our panel software cXfactory you can cost-efficiently build and cultivate your own consumer panel. We're happy to help you setup your own consumer panel - or in collaboration with our consumer panel IhreMeinung (German for YourOpinion).
In the past couple of years we set up consumer panels for Austrian companies. For A1 Telekom Austria and Allianz AG we built IhreMeinung. For BAWAG PSK we created (on behalf of MarketMind). Of course there are limitations to online research communities, but because of the continued advance of digital media in every part of life the only real limit is the extent of your creativity and professional expertise. Typical use cases may be mobile and online surveys, but all customer experience or market research questions can be tackled with the use of consumer panels. This makes research communities the powerful tool they are.
You're thinking about building your very own customer feedback panel? On your own or with a partner company? With cXfactory we're offering the perfect and cost-effective all-in-one solution. You'll find all key features you need to professionally manage a consumer panel.
This bundle consists of professional survey software (LimeSurvey), our own panel management software, as well as modern web-design. There's no limit to your creativity!
We are experts when it comes to online access panels and have years of experience advising national and international corporations in all questions pertaining to the setup and management of customer panels. Time and again we've been able to witness first hand the many advantages of running your own customer panel.
There are many different reasons why you should run your own consumer panel! None the less, the setup should be well thought out, so that it perfectly matches the needs and circumstances of your company. What's the ideal size for my consumer panel? Which incentive system is best for my target audience? How do I best recruit panelists? How many surveys do I have to conduct a year to fully utilise existing panelists? How do I calculate the economic efficiency and which dimensions do I have to consider? What alternatives are there to setting up my own panel? These are just a few questions we're happy to answer as part of a consulting project. Send us your inquiry and benefit from our longstanding expertise.
Flexible landing page design for community members
i.a. systematic sampling of participants, set exclusion criteria, stratification by predefined criteria
View and edit profile data, project data, manage bonus points, etc.
Complex sampling logic incl. weighted participant selection for projects
Multistep registration process with double opt-in
Flexible design of profile questionnaire, filter for participant selection
Automated processing of incentives (e.g. store credit) and incentive management
Automated recruiting processes, report emails, and notifications
Flexible operations package for in-house hosting and full service hosting
Export participant groups, re-import participant groups to incentivise them, or for response monitoring etc.
cXfactory consists of a front end for community members, and a back end for administrators
Configure the panel landing page, profile questionnaire, invitation emails and more.