
CX/Research solutions

Tailor-made research solutions for more efficiency and methodological diversity

What are tailored research solutions?

What are tailored research solutions?

Apart from our own customer experience software tools we also develop innovative, tailor-made research solutions. We offer technical and methodological (alternative) concepts, and design technically complex study settings, or integrate automated solutions into our clients' existing systems. We never lose sight of precise methods, intuitiveness, high development quality, and scalability.

Examples for tailored software solutions

Examples for tailored software solutions

Our solutions are perfect, if a study design requires more functionality and smarter approaches. We've developed the following research solutions / question types for client projects and can now offer them as standard tools:

  • Measurement of price perception and willingness to pay (as external question type for all online survey systems)
  • Visual Feedback (as external question type)
  • Integration of external data bases, e.g. Hafas for national and international train connections
  • Text-message based scavenger hunt; text-message survey solution
  • QR code based invite management
  • Integrate question types directly into native apps, e.g. interactive kiosks

Examples for tailored software solutions
Our offer to you!

Our offer to you!

Above all we promise one thing: A fully customised solution to answer your specific research question!

  • Complete online research infrastructure (survey software, hosting, operations)
  • Tailor-made external question types for your existing survey system
  • Research template design, of course responsive
  • Technical project management, consulting, business analysis, implementation, quality assurance, and maintenance
  • Database design and implementation
  • Process automation
  • Interfaces to your internal IT systems

Web technologies in actionRead more
Web technologies in action

We use these or similar web technologies to implement solutions:

  • Frameworks like Laravel
  • Scripting languages PHP and python
  • Databases PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Various Javascript libraries
  • Linux server infrastructure with Apache or Nginx

Since our foundation we've been working successfully with DIGITALBERATUNG. The combination of their comprehensive digital and IT knowledge with their market research expertise is unique. This cooperation enables us to offer exclusive, tailor-made products and services to our customers.

Dr. Julia Urbahn & Christoph Wüthrich. Founders und Managing Directors intervista AG, Bern

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Die Charta der Vielfalt ist eine Arbeitgebendeninitiative zur Förderung von Vielfalt in Unternehmen und Institutionen. Ziel der Initiative ist es, die Anerkennung, Wertschätzung und Einbeziehung von Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt in Deutschland voranzubringen. Wir sind stolz, als Unterzeichnende der Charta der Vielfalt das Herzstück der Initiative zu unterstützen.