Since 2013 we're assisting companies with the many challenges of digital business transformations. Being consistently customer-focused is as central a factor for success as a close look into the organisation itself. Always, of course, combined with a deep understanding of added value for the company.
In this section we offer a glimpse into selected projects.
The Belgium based B2B wholesale leader Cebeo developed, with Digitaberatung and the Sonepar Customer Competence Center in Amsterdam, a wide-ranging customer centricity program. We took ownership of all steps of the process :
The Gutmann Bank wants to deploy, in the next few years, their very successful customer centric process to the digital channels - with the same quality. We therefore developed coarse-grained concepts and user stories with the project team on the basis of a Customer Journey Analysis. In the next steps we defined a project roadmap and a decision paper for the management.
VORWERK strives to offer their customers the highest quality in the Customer Service area. To sustain this ambitious goal, we developed for VORWERK an international service strategy, the "Customer Love Strategy". It comprises of all capabilities to make sure the ominchannel oriented service is of high standards.
A1 develops, for their B2B customers, a digital platform acting as the central point of entry for products and services. Supported by the Agile methodology, we have been supporting A1 since the beginning with complex challenges
Drei Hutchinson's goal was to market and sell accessories online in order to strengthen their position in the market. We took charge of the design, the project management and the technical implementation of this new onlineshop. It was then integrated into the operations of Drei (back-office and fulfillment).
Since 2017 we advise the French Sonepar group, the worldwise distributor of electrical products, solutions and related services with revenues in excess of 25 billion Euros, in the field of Customer Experience Management. We managed with the Sonepar teams in Amsterdam to set up the Customer Competence Center for all OpCo's and we are since then responsible for all the strategic and operational Customer Experience projects worldwide
Austrian Standards is the service company responsible for the development of norms and standards. As part of the Customer Experience activities we developed, together with Austrian Standards, the basis for the strategic Experience Design and developed the following tools and goals:
SCOTT Sports significantly develops the eCommerce channel for its consumer brands. We helped SCOTT set up their Google Analytics capabilities. We created implementation guides, defined the parameters and performed tests
The A1 Telekom Austria Group (the historical telco operator in Austria) tasked us with the conception and implementation of Customer Experience Training in 3 modules and in English. Additionally:
As part of the Cebeo CX-program next to the customer view, we also took into account internal customer centricity in the Cebeo organisation, analysed it and integrated our findings into the CX-roadmap. As part of the measurement of the so-called Customer Centricity Score we managed the following aspects:
As part of the communication and and brand strategy we developed with the DREI Hutchinson Austria team an initial "Impact Driven Content marketing" campaign. The execution in the Video Content Portal #dasanders focused on the current topics and discussions around Connected Life. We were a key contributor of the process from design to implementation and were amongst others responsible for
Vodafone Germany competes successfully in a highly disputed market with voice and internet products that reach new taget groups. Together with Vodafone we designed a new communication concept covering the needs of those target groups, simplifying but also making more transparent the sales message. The process was supported by a robust methodology
Sonepar's subsidairies in Australia and New Zealand - Auslec L/H, Pacific Datacom, Electrical Distributors of WA und Corys - conducted in 2018 customer as well as emplyee surveys. We took ownership of the design, implementation and result analysis to help the local teams to be more customer centric. To that effect not only the identification of painpoints but also the sharpening of the internal communication and the subsequent measures played a role. Surveys were designed for maximum depth, allow to track KPI's over time and benchmark the companies.
In cooperation with the Carl Hanser publishing team we're redesigning their smart data process with a strong focus on user needs.
The successful A1 Smart Home product was designed in 2018 with the customer at the center of it. Within an Agile framework to design the product, we, together with selected employees, contributed in the design sprints taking on several roles and responsibilities
Since 2012 we guide SOS Kinderdorf Austria's digital transformation processes in various roles and functions.
We identified pain points and delights along the customer journey for Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-AG, and developed appropriate segment specific drivers for optimal customer experiences.
In cooperation with our partner CX Agentur we support win2day in their analysis of current customer experiences.
Schweizer Bundesbahnen (SBB) have been analysing their customers' mobility behaviour for years. We've developed the MobiJournal (app) and its integrated diary function to enable passengers to easily and intuitively report how they use transportation.
Kubo is the expert for high quality products when it comes to gaskets, springs, and moulded rubber parts. In cooperation with IT service provider edicos we are charged with the development of their digital transformation strategy.
Digitalberatung support Sonepar APAC's marketing and communication experts with dedicated communication services around the topic of segmentation
We had the privilege to support the global leader in surveying technology with their digital brand communication strategy. Because of organisational changes the project had to be paused.
In the course of our survey, new customers documented all their experiences with the brand Vodafone as well as with Vodafone's services, processes, and products. With the use of our tailored research setting we were able to achieve all project goals. E.g. identification of customer experiences with NPS-impact (moments of impact) or the collection of concrete optimisation approaches.
In accordance with their digital marketing strategy, Wacker Chemie are redesigning the technical-functional foundation of how their complex product data is displayed. As part of this process we're responsible i.a. for the design of the functional PIM concept, of course in consideration of (internal and external) user needs.
To deepen our knowledge of the motifs, wants and needs of your customers is vital at the start of every project. We analyse what drives them, execute audits, and combine these new insights with facts from your data analytics systems.
We shape (transformation) strategies and combine them with a consistent focus on customer centricity. It's our distinct goal to create a strong business impact, to generate new added value for your customers, and to never lose sight of your organisation while doing so.
It's our business to transform your strategies, visions, and new impulses into sustainable and innovative concepts. Building on our customer-centric creative process including personas, customer journeys and experience maps, we draft content strategies, define user stories, outline complex business logics and processes, and design first interactive prototypes, which bring your ideas to life.
For years 'digital' has been the driver behind cultural, societal, and economic change. Digital processes, touchpoints or services have long since infused all aspects of added value and often times lead to radical change. This is true not just for aspects with direct customer impact. We help you take meaningful decisions for your company in this transformational process. We encourage companies to shift from reactive to transformative strategies.
Our CX software solutions help you to better understand the motifs, wants and needs of your existing and potential customers, so you can create relevant and exciting new customer experiences.
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